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YFS Minutes 06/07/2016 Commission Meeting
        322 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

        Telephone (860) 395-3190  FAX (860) 395-3189

Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
                                            Minutes June 7, 2016; 5:30 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475


Members Present:

Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs representative

Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member

Jonathan Paradis, Secretary;  Parks and Recreation Representative

Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative

Peggy Viggiano, at large

Megan Barnes, Student Representative

Kiwon-Paul Dionne Jee, Student Representative

Katholiki Filindarakis, Student Representative

Philip Max Ledwith, Student Representative


Also Present:

Heather McNeil, Director Y&FS

Gerri Lewis, Interim Clerk



Catherine Kane, School District

Kiwon-Paul Dionne Jee, Student Representative

Sarah Anderson, Student Representative

Sophie Alden, Student Representative



Stephanie Milardo, OSPD


Call to Order

Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.  He welcomed everyone and asked that everyone introduce themselves around the table.   


Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Barnes led the pledge of allegiance (Note: Ms. Lewis noted that Old Saybrook Rotary met and will be supplying a new flag for Y&FS.)




Comments from the Public - None




Review and Approval of Minutes

A motion made by Ms. Filindarakis to approve the minutes of May 3, 2016, was seconded by Ms. Viggiano and was so VOTED unanimously.




Chairman’s Comments


Chairman Barnes congratulated Megan Barnes and Kiki Filindarakis on their YAC awards received on awards night.  He asked what they thought of the presentation.  Ms. Barnes commented that she thought they were well presented and it was quite a surprise.  Ms. Filindarakis noted that these awards will give other students motivation to excel and participate.  This was the first year for  the YAC Leadership Awards.


Chairman Barnes, on behalf of the entire Commission, thanked Ms. Barnes and Ms. Filindarakis for their great support and participation this past year and what a pleasure it was to have their student representation on the Commission.  He noted that they will be missed.


Director’s Report

Ms. McNeil welcomed everyone and thanked all for coming and for participating in saying farewell to the outgoing student representatives, Megan Barnes and Kiki Filindarakis.  Ms. McNeil presented them with gifts on behalf of Youth & Family Services and the Commission.  She also brought cupcakes and lemonade for a celebration of farewell.  She commended Ms. Barnes and Ms. Filindarakis on the constant participation, accomplishments and support they showed this past year to Y&FS and their representation on the board.  Everyone gave a round of applause and enjoyed lemonade and cupcakes.


Interns:  Ms. McNeil noted that the 2015-2016 interns are:

  • Kristine Evans, MFT, SCSU; and  
  • Richard Simonon, MSW, UConn.
Interns:  Ms. McNeil noted that the 2016-2017 interns are:
  • Sabine O’Donnell, MFT, St. Joseph College;
  • Joseph DiNonno, MFT, Capella; and
  • Liv Patterson, BA, Hofstra (summer only)
Summer Events:
  • Movies at the Beach; 6/24; 7/8; 7/22; and 8/5; sponsored by Yale New Haven Health
  • Chamber Arts & Crafts Show 7/29 & 7/30; YAC Students  
  • Y&FS Open House: 9/19; 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.; First Selectman will present Proclamation
  • Family Day 9/24; 1 – 4 p.m.  Rain date: 9/25
HCHY:  Healthy Communities Healthy Youth
  • 6/20 Retreat Meeting; to clarify direction and new purpose
  • Ms. McNeil will meet with Superintendent Perruccio re school involvement
  • Ms. Welsh brought up the “opiate awareness” issue and wondered if there was more to report on that
  • Summertime Lunch Program: Monday – Thursday at the Christian Science Reading Room; prepared in Deep River
  • USDA Summer Food Service program; 6/27 – 7/28; information: Kathy Cobb:;  run by volunteers
  • Natural Health Workshop
  • Summer Stock Theater; contact Y&FS
Ms. Viggiano noted that several people have approached her for help about baby sitters for the summer, and asked about youth employment programs n general.  Ms. McNeil replied that YFS is looking into a WorkForce Alliance grant for next summer.  
Y&FS Community Service Program:
Ms. McNeil noted the LEAD (Leadership Encourages Asset Development) Conference in New Haven on June 24th.  YAC students will be attending and taking the train from Old Saybrook to New Haven and there will be a BBQ.
Ms. McNeil passed out a poster of information that in July there will be a Moonlight Zipline Tour in Middlefield.


Old Business - None


New Business - None


Other Business
Ms. Viggiano mentioned the paving of the parking lot.  A short discussion ensued about this capital expense. This item would be about $30K.


Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 6:12 p.m. by  Megan Barnes, seconded by Kiki Filindarakis and was so VOTED unanimously.
Gerri Lewis, Interim Clerk